You are invited to join us in Kingston Ontario November 8 to 10, 2024 for the fifth Kingston Tarot Lenormand Conference. Workshops, laughter, food, friends speaking your language. Come on in.

Welcome to the 2024 Kingston Tarot Lenormand Conference In-Person or on Zoom
It is my pleasure to share with you all that we have planned. I am
Marilyn Shannon opening the door to you. Come See.
We are planning our fifth conference. In each conference we seem to go deeper into our own personal stories and find ourselves patiently waiting to be found. The joy found in doing this is remarkable.
In 2014 Mary K Greer helped us Unmask Ourselves using tarot and Lenormand.
In 2017 Carrie Paris introduced us to charm casting and ancestor work. Joanna Powell showed us how to connect with Mama Earth in a profound soul revealing way.
In 2019 Carrie Paris teamed up with Andrew McGregor to help us see our history in the Tarot and with charms. Monica Bodirsky showed us a fascinating Past Life process with Tarot. And James Wells finished up the weekend with more soul work processes. Deep we went deep!
We have just finished our 2021 Conference held in 2022! Because everything was delayed. We were so ready to see each other, hug each other, shop and oh yes: Experience Magic Divination and Me with Lori Lytle and the magical talismans she charged and gave to each of us. Andrew McGregor showed us how to find magic in our daily lives and we each created a portable altar. Sasha Graham gently with steely determination asked us to meet with our shadow self! We brought back Lenormand thanks to the experienced deck creator Rebecca Walker Pickering.
And we are ready to go again November 8 to 10, 2024 (yes that is the right year) with four speakers. The concept that we are working with is: Tell me More, Take the Deep Dive that Reveals Your True Inner Being. Because we are all ready for more! More about our speakers on down the page.
What else happens at conference?
We will feed you all weekend and warmly welcome you.
We offer Zoom sessions all year so that you will be ready to roll when you get here. And you will meet people just like you talking cards, magic, divination and how it plays out in life. And of course our fabulous vendors will be offering you all the tools and treasures that you need to do your work and live your life. (Hint bring money or the other type of cards or both)
We have a thriving community in our private Facebook group. It is for people attending or interested in attending the KTL Conference. When you register you will receive three cards and a little reading from me to get you in the mood for November 2024. And there are lots more surprises and delights along the way including Swag Bags. We even mail your Swag Box to you if you attend via Zoom.
People tell me that our conference is magical. It is of course because the people attending bring their own magic to make the whole weekend special. My sons always say to me "Work your magic Mama!" Come, join us and see what magic awaits you in November 2024. Here we go again!
Much love to you
Marilyn Shannon
Contact me at 613-328-6128 or [email protected] if you have any questions or need help with payment methods. We can help you solve that.
photo credit: Julie Scott
How do we plan a conference? How do we know what to include? People tell us what they like.
For Leah Evans it was "the personalization - receiving personalized cards and charms last year was so exciting"
And Mis Melissa added " yes! Having goodie bags made me feel like a rockstar!"
And a few fell in love with the moonlight sparklers'
Shelley Carter sums it up by saying it's like being in Marilyn's living room. Warm, inviting and welcoming.
For Leah Evans it was "the personalization - receiving personalized cards and charms last year was so exciting"
And Mis Melissa added " yes! Having goodie bags made me feel like a rockstar!"
And a few fell in love with the moonlight sparklers'
Shelley Carter sums it up by saying it's like being in Marilyn's living room. Warm, inviting and welcoming.
Connect with people who understand your other side.
Come and Meet the Speakers.
They are so good!
This year's theme is
Tell Me More, Take The Deep Dive That Reveals Your True Inner Being.
These workshops all help you dig deep into your own personal story. Understanding your own story and how to use Lenormand and Tarot cards to dig deeper will add to your experience as a reader for others too.
Find your ME! And if you have already found your Me, come and dig deeper into what your Me wants you to know and do today.
Tell Me More, Take The Deep Dive That Reveals Your True Inner Being.
These workshops all help you dig deep into your own personal story. Understanding your own story and how to use Lenormand and Tarot cards to dig deeper will add to your experience as a reader for others too.
Find your ME! And if you have already found your Me, come and dig deeper into what your Me wants you to know and do today.
Erika Robinson-Author of Language of the Lenormand
Friday November 8, 2024~2:15 pm to 5-ish pm
Find the Significator that Matches the Question
As a Lenormand reader, are you under the impression that the term “Significator” refers to the Man/Woman card representing your Sitter?
Join me for an in-depth exploration of how ANY Lenormand card can act as a Significator. Then learn a powerful 23 card spread that will allow you to use this technique to craft a reading on a single issue which is deep and eloquent and healing.
Bring a Lenormand Deck for this class.
My website is:
My book is called Language of the Lenormand, available Oct 2023.
A Lenormand deck will be released around the same time.
More about Erika:
“Erika Robinson is a Lenormand expert who teaches, speaks, and reads internationally. A graduate of Harvard University, Erika was an English teacher for 30 years, and uses her love of language to make the language of Lenormand accessible and inviting.
As a college admissions consultant, Erika uses Lenormand to help young people navigate the admissions process in a way that is fun and insightful.
A believer in personal reinvention, Erika has recently relocated to San Diego, after a lifetime on the US East Coast.”
Join me for an in-depth exploration of how ANY Lenormand card can act as a Significator. Then learn a powerful 23 card spread that will allow you to use this technique to craft a reading on a single issue which is deep and eloquent and healing.
Bring a Lenormand Deck for this class.
My website is:
My book is called Language of the Lenormand, available Oct 2023.
A Lenormand deck will be released around the same time.
More about Erika:
“Erika Robinson is a Lenormand expert who teaches, speaks, and reads internationally. A graduate of Harvard University, Erika was an English teacher for 30 years, and uses her love of language to make the language of Lenormand accessible and inviting.
As a college admissions consultant, Erika uses Lenormand to help young people navigate the admissions process in a way that is fun and insightful.
A believer in personal reinvention, Erika has recently relocated to San Diego, after a lifetime on the US East Coast.”
Nancy Hendrickson Author of Ancestral Tarot
Saturday Morning November 9, 2024~9:15 am to Noon
The Fool's Path Through Ancestral Tarot

The Fool's Path Through Ancestral Tarot
Jump off the cliff with me as we do a deep dive into the patterns in your family that are most impactful to your life today.
Learn whose challenges still reside in your DNA, whose bravery runs in your veins, and which ancestors, no matter how distant, are your life allies.
Bring two tarot decks that feel appropriate for ancestral work; these may be decks based on your own ancestry or those that simply feel 'right'. If you're unsure, ask your pendulum which decks want to come explore with me.
Please keep one deck sorted into Majors, Minors, and Courts; the other can remain whole.
Nancy Hendrickson is the author of Ancestral Tarot and Ancestral Grimoire.
Her website is
she is @nancysageshadow on Instagram
I have been working with the ancestors and tarot for more than 40 years. As I grew up on family stories, working with the Beloved Dead was second nature for me. Over time, I combined this work with tarot in order to communicate beyond the Veil. I currently live in San Diego, California
The Fool's Path Through Ancestral Tarot
Jump off the cliff with me as we do a deep dive into the patterns in your family that are most impactful to your life today.
Learn whose challenges still reside in your DNA, whose bravery runs in your veins, and which ancestors, no matter how distant, are your life allies.
Bring two tarot decks that feel appropriate for ancestral work; these may be decks based on your own ancestry or those that simply feel 'right'. If you're unsure, ask your pendulum which decks want to come explore with me.
Please keep one deck sorted into Majors, Minors, and Courts; the other can remain whole.
Nancy Hendrickson is the author of Ancestral Tarot and Ancestral Grimoire.
Her website is
she is @nancysageshadow on Instagram
I have been working with the ancestors and tarot for more than 40 years. As I grew up on family stories, working with the Beloved Dead was second nature for me. Over time, I combined this work with tarot in order to communicate beyond the Veil. I currently live in San Diego, California
Sasha Graham Author of Tarot Diva
Saturday November 9, 2024~1:30 to 5 pm
Shadow Work: Dive Deeper, Play Harder

Shadow Work: Dive Deeper, Play Harder
Sasha Graham, bestselling author and tarot deck creator, leads you on a journey deep into the heart of your personal shadow. Utilize tarot archetype, myth, and fairy tale to enter the imaginative landscape within.
Once the personal shadow is accessed, the group will create individual works of art springing from the inner shadow. Bring the true heart of who you are out and into the world. Expression is freedom and magic happens when your authentic self/inner High Priestess comes into alignment with the expanding energy of the universe.
Signed copies of Tarot of the Witch's Garden, Dark Wood Tarot, Magic of Tarot and many of Sasha's other titles will be available for purchase.
You will need:
Your Favorite Tarot Deck (Dark Wood Tarot by Sasha Graham & Abigail Larson is useful but not required)
Notebook, Writing Materials & Curious Mind
Saturday afternoon create a Book of Shadows or Collage a message from your Shadow side. See the Agenda to learn more about the project and what to bring. Oh it's going to be good.
Saturday night Sasha will lead us in Ghost Stories by The Fire. More information on that in the Agenda too.
Sasha Graham teaches and lectures around the world. Her work has been translated into Chinese, Italian, Russian, French, Spanish, Polish, and Portuguese. She is the author of Tarot Diva, 365 Tarot Spreads, 365 Tarot Spells, Llewellyn’s Complete Book of the Rider Waite Smith Tarot, and the Magic of Tarot. She served as editor and writer of Lo Scarabeo’s Tarot Fundamentals, Tarot Experience, and Tarot Compendium & Tarot Original 1909 series. Sasha is a contributing author of Llewellyn’s Magical Almanac, 2020, 2022, Witches’ Datebook 2022, and Llewellyn’s Witches’ Calendar, 2021, 2023. Her tarot decks include Tarot of Haunted House, Dark Wood Tarot and the forthcoming Tarot of the Witch's Garden. Unlock more magic at
With gratitude,
Sasha Graham
The 2022 COVR Visionary Award-winning author of
The Magic of Tarot
Enter the Dark Wood Tarot:
Nucc (Nancy Antenucci) Author Tarot Rituals
Sunday Morning November 10, 2024~
9:30 am to 12:30pm
The World-A Game of Love

The World - A Game of Love
Nucc's workshop is an exploration of the Major Arcana from the World's perspective. Inspired by Ellen Lorenzi Prince's World card of the Tarot of the Crone, the World is the full embodiment of all the Major Arcana. Each one will be explored with creative structures done solo, in group and with a partner. This workshop will reveal your journey and potential of living on a larger scale than imagined. Utilizing a little known spread from Rachel Pollack - the Alternative Arcana spread - will capture the mystery needed now to play this game of life well.
Nucc (Nancy Antenucci) is a seasoned tarot reader as well as a teacher of visionary strategies. Her innovative take on tarot makes her a highly sought-after teacher and storyteller. Besides her strong influence in the Twin Cities, she helped build and is a faculty member for a Tarot school in Chengdu, China. Her first book, "Psychic Tarot - How to Use Your Natural Psychic Abilities to Read the Cards", is a culmination of her teaching and mentoring and practical know-how of a lifetime with tarot. Her newest creation, “Tarot Rituals - Ceremonies, Ideas and Experiences for the Tarot Lover”, is her love letter of contemplative tarot practices. Nucc is the founder of Minnesota’s Twin Cities Tarot Collective, which produces the annual North Star Tarot conference.
Where is all this going to happen?
Kingston Ontario!
At the Residence Inn River's Edge by Marriott at 7 Earl St.
We have negotiated a super price for rooms again this year at $189 plus $20 for parking plus all our taxes.
All rooms have a full kitchen and breakfast in the lobby. It is a great breakfast with lots of choices.
Reserve your room here. Your reservation will say that parking is $34 but at checkout it will be reduced to $20. Reserve today so that we can be sure to have enough rooms for everyone. You do not pay until the conference.
Reservation Link
Book your group rate for Kingston Psychic Conference
You will find the information for your online reservation link below. If you have questions or need help with the link, please do not hesitate to ask. We appreciate your business and look forward to a successful event.
Event Summary:
Kingston Psychic Conference
Start Date: Thursday, November 7, 2024
End Date: Monday, November 11, 2024
Last Day to Book: Monday, October 7, 2024
Hotel(s) offering your special group rate:
Residence Inn Kingston Water's Edge for 189 CAD per night
Reservation Link Here
Book your group rate for Kingston Psychic Conference
Here is what Veronica Chamberlain said after attending the 2019 Conference:
"Besides you I loved the active tarot activities we did, the food of course, and the variety of tea that we could help ourselves to."
And Gail Wood who has been to three conferences says:
Kingston Tarot Lenormand Conference is a deep learning in an accepting, supportive environment. If you arrive as a stranger, you leave with a host of new friends and a lot of new knowledge. The Conference is heart-centered and caring with great speakers, fabulous shopping, wonderful rituals and socializing, and a comfortable pace. It is run by some of the most kind and magical people in the Tarot community.
I’ve been to three of these conferences (and another visit to Queen’s University for my work), and Kingston is always wonderful. Plus, Kingston Ontario is a wonderful place to visit with history, shopping, and beautiful environment. It has a small village feel with a university city convenience.
Registration Is Now Closed or Zoom Virtual Attendance
Here are your options: Please read our cancellation policy. Every year people ask me for a refund. Once we sign contracts every dollar counts so I cannot do refunds after the cut-off date which is July 31, 2024.
Everyone gets a Swag Bag! And they are going to be awesome!
Meals covered with In-Person Registration:
This is the only conference that offers so many meals as part of your registration fee.
* a light supper Friday evening
*treats on arrival Saturday and Sunday morning
*treats Saturday afternoon
*Hot buffet lunch both Saturday and Sunday
*continuous coffee, tea, juice and water all weekend long
Not included
You are on your own Saturday night or join me for pay by the slice pizza.
Each room at the Marriott has a full size kitchen if you want to cook your own supper or breakfast.
The Marriott offers a full hot breakfast if you stay at the hotel.
Meals covered with In-Person Registration:
This is the only conference that offers so many meals as part of your registration fee.
* a light supper Friday evening
*treats on arrival Saturday and Sunday morning
*treats Saturday afternoon
*Hot buffet lunch both Saturday and Sunday
*continuous coffee, tea, juice and water all weekend long
Not included
You are on your own Saturday night or join me for pay by the slice pizza.
Each room at the Marriott has a full size kitchen if you want to cook your own supper or breakfast.
The Marriott offers a full hot breakfast if you stay at the hotel.
We are giving you 10% off until November 6th
Registration for Zoom Virtual 2024
Was $339 including tax-Save $33.90 Instantly
Full registration is $305.10 in Canadian Funds
$270 plus $35.10 HST (Canadian tax)
If you are paying in USD the final payment will be about $75 less (around $230 depending on your bank)
Registration for Zoom Virtual 2024
Was $339 including tax-Save $33.90 Instantly
Full registration is $305.10 in Canadian Funds
$270 plus $35.10 HST (Canadian tax)
If you are paying in USD the final payment will be about $75 less (around $230 depending on your bank)
Zoom Registration includes a Swag Box of goodies mailed to you before conference.
Cancellation/Refund Policy
A full refund less $60 surcharge will be issued up until July 31, 2024. After that there will be no refunds because our contract with the hotel cannot be cancelled after that date. You will be switched to the Zoom conference after July 31st or you may transfer your registration to someone you know.
A full refund less $60 surcharge will be issued up until July 31, 2024. After that there will be no refunds because our contract with the hotel cannot be cancelled after that date. You will be switched to the Zoom conference after July 31st or you may transfer your registration to someone you know.
Your Swag Bag May Include
A Tarot Talisman designed and created for this conference KTLC 24 by our very own Lynda Fox
The Ofrenda Oracle is gifted to everyone attending by the creators Nancy Hendrickson and Carrie Paris
A special little charm bag of goodies from Marilyn Shannon
Key to success is knowing where your keys are: Mary Mombo of Higher Source Connection
Custom Evil Eye bookmark Becki Walker Pickering
The Gift of Tarot USGames
Flamingoes Colleen Pritchard
Broom Charm MysticandMagick by Missy Ramsay
You will receive other gifts which we will keep as a surprise for now.
Here are some of the gifts you will be receiving and our sponsors to date.
The Ofrenda Oracle is gifted to everyone attending by the creators Nancy Hendrickson and Carrie Paris
A special little charm bag of goodies from Marilyn Shannon
Key to success is knowing where your keys are: Mary Mombo of Higher Source Connection
Custom Evil Eye bookmark Becki Walker Pickering
The Gift of Tarot USGames
Flamingoes Colleen Pritchard
Broom Charm MysticandMagick by Missy Ramsay
You will receive other gifts which we will keep as a surprise for now.
Here are some of the gifts you will be receiving and our sponsors to date.
I loved the Kingston Conference so Much! Hear what Karen has to say.
I loved the Kingston Conference so much!
1. The location is amazing, I couldn't get over how nice the rooms are and the view was fabulous. I had a room to myself and it was so spacious and comfortable. Being able to cook some of my meals was a huge cost savings! And when I didn't feel like cooking, it was so easy to do take out.
2. I got to meet people in person I only knew via FB, and I made lots of new friends too. So many fantastic conversations and so many belly laughs!
3. I thought the size of the conference was perfect, big enough to have a great mix of people, but not so big you got lost in the crowd.
4. The speakers were phenomenal, I learned so much and had so much fun in the process. I was able to read for others, get readings and dig in deeper for myself.
5. The vendors!!!!! Oh the treasures I found! I spent way too much and I don't regret any of it!
I don't have a lot of photos of the conference, because I was too busy socializing! I'm attaching a few of my room, and the view from my room, one of Yvonne and I, and one of all of you fabulous speakers.
I am so looking forward to the 2021 conference!
All the best,
Judy Nathan adds I was just describing Kingston Tarot Lenormand Conference to someone today... as warm, intimate, comfortable and magical!
And Yvonne Breau pictured with Karen adds this
My goodness, where to start!
As a new person to the "group", I felt welcomed from the minute I entered the room on the first evening.Meeting new like-minded people was so satisfying and encouraging! Many have become wonderful friends.
The gift bags was such a great idea. It was like a passport to the magic that was about to happen.
The sparklers and the whole circle on the first night, out of this world.
Food was great! Very natural, but very fancy!
The presenters were above and beyond what I expected. I learned so much! Would like more info about charm-casting.
The tables with their wares, well, I did come home with several treasures!
And Marilyn, well all this wouldn't have happened without your fearless "go-get-em" energy!
And the venue, and James Wells, and etc.
I guess I could just say, everything was perfect!
As a new person to the "group", I felt welcomed from the minute I entered the room on the first evening.Meeting new like-minded people was so satisfying and encouraging! Many have become wonderful friends.
The gift bags was such a great idea. It was like a passport to the magic that was about to happen.
The sparklers and the whole circle on the first night, out of this world.
Food was great! Very natural, but very fancy!
The presenters were above and beyond what I expected. I learned so much! Would like more info about charm-casting.
The tables with their wares, well, I did come home with several treasures!
And Marilyn, well all this wouldn't have happened without your fearless "go-get-em" energy!
And the venue, and James Wells, and etc.
I guess I could just say, everything was perfect!
The Agenda and Things page is available by clicking the link at the top of this page. The details are all laid out for you.
And Now let me introduce you to our vendors. Bring money, bring a big suitcase, be prepared to charge it! You will love all the goodies selected just for you. Shopping commences at 1 pm Friday.
Purple Door Books & Gifts: We Know You Love Them

Purple Door Books and Gifts is delighted to be part of the Kingston Tarot Lenormand Conference again! What a pleasure it is to share the product you love with so many others who love it too!
I bring practically my whole shop of books, decks, crystals, treasures and so much more. If there is something that you would like, ask and I will order for you. Pre-orders are just the thing.
I can’t wait to see all the wonderful attendees that put the icing on this cake that Marilyn and her team of magic makers put together for us to enjoy!
To pre-order your treasures for delivery at conference or if you see something you like in the pictures below, order them now. Linda is ready to mail treasures any time.
Contact Linda at 613-923-5320 or
[email protected]
Visit us on our website at
Mystic & Magick by Missy
You are invited into the enchanting world of Mystic & Magick. A place where earth's Magickal Minerals gather, offering their energy and beauty to those who wish to work with their Magick. Whether it is a crystal to bring more love into your life, or a decorative piece for your home, Mystic & Magick carries a variety of Crystals and Gemstone Jewelry to for all your needs.
Missy (Owner of Mystic & Magick) strives to bring the power of Crystals to the world, by promoting the education and benefits of Crystal Healing. Missy, a Certified Crystal Healer herself, will be on hand to answer any questions you may have in finding your perfect energetic fit.
Mystic & Magick also carries a variety of smudge, herbs and tools for your practice.
For more information you can find Mystic & Magick on Facebook:
Tarophernalia with Shelley Carter
Shelley Carter is the co-ordinator of the Elora Tarot Project, and formerly of the Elora Tarot and Witchery Festival.
She has many interests in the esoteric world. She is always making something – spell bottles, witch bottles, tarot clocks, textile projects, tarot bags and boxes, jewellery, garden sculptures and whatever else takes her fancy!
Come and see what she has on offer at the Kingston Tarot and Lenormand Conference in 2024.
Lynda Fox

Lynda Fox - Handmade Canadian jewellery, pendulums, charm kits and journals.
For years, I've collected unique treasures, both old and new, to infuse my creations with lots of good energy and a pinch of magic!
I have been creating funky, witchy jewellery for many years, but at the last conference, I also introduced my newest passion, my Witch’s Compendiums, Book of Shadows and Journals.
This year along with my jewellery, I will include several new art journals… Divination, Hedge Witch, Green Witch, Raven Magic, BOS, and many more, each unique with a different size and theme.
I’ll also be bringing back my Lenormand Oracle Charm Kits for those who like to cast their Lenormand readings in 3D!
I can’t wait to reconnect with old friends and meet all the new attendees at the 2024 Kingston Tarot and Lenormand Conference.
Lynda Fox - Handmade Canadian jewellery, pendulums, charm kits and journals.
For years, I've collected unique treasures, both old and new, to infuse my creations with lots of good energy and a pinch of magic!
I have been creating funky, witchy jewellery for many years, but at the last conference, I also introduced my newest passion, my Witch’s Compendiums, Book of Shadows and Journals.
This year along with my jewellery, I will include several new art journals… Divination, Hedge Witch, Green Witch, Raven Magic, BOS, and many more, each unique with a different size and theme.
I’ll also be bringing back my Lenormand Oracle Charm Kits for those who like to cast their Lenormand readings in 3D!
I can’t wait to reconnect with old friends and meet all the new attendees at the 2024 Kingston Tarot and Lenormand Conference.
Judy Nathan Jewels and Custom Made Treasures

Judy Nathan and all her beautiful goddess bracelets and Tarot bags plus a few surprises will be joining us.
Beautifully designed goddess bracelets with an intuitive touch of magic.
Exquisitely sewn, sumptuous fabrics sewn into the perfect bag for your precious deck or other treasure.
Judy will share the story of how each piece went together and you will know if it is meant for you.
Susan Lisa Brecht Dragon Magic
Dragons capture my imagination! I am creating whimsical dragon mobiles covered in sparkles to help your imagination soar! There will be other goodies too. And oh yes, I look forward to sharing my Huna breathwork with you again this year. Visit me at Aloha Healing - Home
Lori Lytle has yummy Talismans for you again!
Lori Lytle, AKA Inner Goddess Tarot, and her sister, Angela Lytle, are back with their magical gemstone talismans, protective amulets, and Goddess jewelry.
Pre-orders are also open for Lori's Unifying Consciousness Tarot, coming Spring 2025 from RedFeather MBS.
Contact Lori at
Pre-orders are also open for Lori's Unifying Consciousness Tarot, coming Spring 2025 from RedFeather MBS.
Contact Lori at
Andrew McGregor & The Hermit's Lamp
I'll be bringing a stunning array of rare and exciting crystals, custom handcrafted magical supplies and imported indie decks from all over.
If you have requests please drop me an email at [email protected].
Closer to the event I'll also be offering free delivery at the event through my online store.
Annick Rousseau of Berry Homestead Farms
Annick works with earth energy (geobiology, herbs, essential oils, sounds) and cosmic energy in making healing products. She will be offering tinctures, herbs and oil blends made with medicinal plants, Elderberry flowers and fruits grown on her farm near Lyndhurst Ontario.
Annick is also a bilingual professional astrologer, accredited by the Canadian Association for Astrology Learning for Eastern Ontario and by Orian for the Outaouais region and also a member of the American Federation for Astrology Networking.
She practices as an astrologer (personal, business and medical astrology) and also offers astrology tarot readings and Feng Shui consultations for your home.
Find Annick online at or email: [email protected]
Annick is also a bilingual professional astrologer, accredited by the Canadian Association for Astrology Learning for Eastern Ontario and by Orian for the Outaouais region and also a member of the American Federation for Astrology Networking.
She practices as an astrologer (personal, business and medical astrology) and also offers astrology tarot readings and Feng Shui consultations for your home.
Find Annick online at or email: [email protected]
Mary Alps with Violet Moon
Mary Alps
Mary Alps is the owner of Violet Moon, a small local business in the countryside north of Kingston, where she is a metalsmith/jewelry artist, Reiki Master Practitioner, and a tarot reader.
Mary designs one-of-a-kind jewelry with a variety of mediums such as sterling silver, brass & copper, semi-precious gemstones, alcohol inks and resin. Once each piece is complete the stones are cleansed, cleared and charged with reiki healing energy for your highest healing good.
You can purchase Mary’s designs, book a tarot reading or arrange a reiki energy session with her through her website at
Follow her on Instagram at violet_moon_canada, on Pinterest at VioletMoonCanada, and on Facebook at VioletMoonCanada.
Mary Alps is the owner of Violet Moon, a small local business in the countryside north of Kingston, where she is a metalsmith/jewelry artist, Reiki Master Practitioner, and a tarot reader.
Mary designs one-of-a-kind jewelry with a variety of mediums such as sterling silver, brass & copper, semi-precious gemstones, alcohol inks and resin. Once each piece is complete the stones are cleansed, cleared and charged with reiki healing energy for your highest healing good.
You can purchase Mary’s designs, book a tarot reading or arrange a reiki energy session with her through her website at
Follow her on Instagram at violet_moon_canada, on Pinterest at VioletMoonCanada, and on Facebook at VioletMoonCanada.
Serenity Sisters Cauldron with Fallyn and Sheila
Hi we are Serenity Sisters: Fallyn and Sheila
We are priestess in training and cofounders of Serenity Sisters Cauldron. We set out to build a modest and humble company that would bring the magick to the everyday. Serenity Sisters Cauldron products are handmade, ritually infused to bring you peace tranquility and further your spirituality. We are environmentally conscious and strive to use biodegradable and/or recyclable and reusable packaging wherever possible for our products. We are constantly brewing more items as we get inspired by the magick all around us. This will be our first time vending at the conference and we will have a selection of handmade candles: pillars, witchy and goddess themed molded, aura/room cleansing sprays, anointing oils and crystals (specific style of point/pillars and goddess themed carvings). Our shop is currently relocating homes so you can find us on Facebook right now @Serenity Sisters Cauldron and by email: [email protected] Happy brewing |
Christine and Richard Walter -Homemade Paper!
Richard is bringing his homemade papers including comfrey paper, Mugwort paper and coloured papers. We have some watercolour images that may interest people as well. We have a variety of bracelets with stones such as amethyst, aquamarine, jade, carnelian, garnet, etc. You see a small sample of his pens as well. There are a few hand painted ceramic coasters. We also have one OOP tarot to bring, and a few gently used ones, and a lot of small pouches filled with charms. We’ll have stones as well.
If you want to pre-order paper or the small assembled paper books and pick these up at Conference contact [email protected]
P.S. from Marilyn-I think these are so good for the Shadow Work Art Project with Sasha Graham on Saturday afternoon. See the Agenda for information on that!
If you want to pre-order paper or the small assembled paper books and pick these up at Conference contact [email protected]
P.S. from Marilyn-I think these are so good for the Shadow Work Art Project with Sasha Graham on Saturday afternoon. See the Agenda for information on that!
Kate Stockman Designs
Kate Stockman creates by repurposing found objects into tantalizing new pieces that each have a story. These Sacred Adornments will find a place in your heart and your jewelry box. Visit Kate at